Thursday, July 26, 2012

Birthing time

Hi y'all. I'm just letting everyone know real quick that my etsy store is on vacation until September 1st. I'm having my 4th baby any time now and I don't want to be worried about filling orders while trying to rest and recover.

I will still be working though. When I reopen in 5 weeks I hope to have some better pictures of some of my regular items as well as a new line of cowboy and cowgirl baby photo props.

I will at some point (I know I've said it before but haven't gotten around to it) I will have a mega clearance sale for all the ready to ship items I've had sitting around here for too long. The sale will probably be on facebook.

I hate to close my shop during a time when I've actually been doing better than ever with sales but mommy and baby have to come first. I'm looking forward to the changes I will be making in my shop, especially with the photos for my listings. My baby girl is definitely going to be modeling plenty for me.

See ya, I'm out!

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