Monday, August 20, 2012

Baby back to business.

My shop is OPEN
Enjoy these photos of my newest baby girl, Rachel.

So I wasn't going to reopen my etsy shop until September 1st but I got antsy and, quite frankly, I need the money.
I closed for business just before my baby girl was due. She's 10 days old now and I'm ready to get back into the game.
Rachel Ruth was born Friday, August 10 at 6:40 am. She weighed 8 lbs 9 oz 21 inches tall. The smallest of my 4 babies (big to some but I am thankful she was less than 10 lbs). She is the newest Longhorn Prairie model and a great model she IS. If you are interested in purchasing any of the finished items or crochet patterns in the photos just click on the links below the photos.
Newborn Cocoon 2: pattern or finished item

Owl Cuddle Critter Cape Set (pattern by Calleigh's Clips & Crochet Creations)

Gnome Hat: pattern or finished item

Lakeside Mermaid (pattern by BrindyRae)
Cartoon MouseCuddle Critter Cape Set (pattern by Calleigh's Clips & Crochet Creations)

 I am slowly working on updating some listings in my etsy shop and adding photos. I will have more photos once my photographer is finished with editing.

Thank you for looking at my blog post. Baby girl and I are doing very well. Have a great day!

'Like' me on facebook

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Birthing time

Hi y'all. I'm just letting everyone know real quick that my etsy store is on vacation until September 1st. I'm having my 4th baby any time now and I don't want to be worried about filling orders while trying to rest and recover.

I will still be working though. When I reopen in 5 weeks I hope to have some better pictures of some of my regular items as well as a new line of cowboy and cowgirl baby photo props.

I will at some point (I know I've said it before but haven't gotten around to it) I will have a mega clearance sale for all the ready to ship items I've had sitting around here for too long. The sale will probably be on facebook.

I hate to close my shop during a time when I've actually been doing better than ever with sales but mommy and baby have to come first. I'm looking forward to the changes I will be making in my shop, especially with the photos for my listings. My baby girl is definitely going to be modeling plenty for me.

See ya, I'm out!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Everyone loves SOCK MONKEYS!!!

I'm really excited about this latest crochet pattern of mine. It took me a bit longer than I hoped to finish it but I wanted to do a good job. This is so far my most original pattern design. So here it is:
Sock Monkey Baby Bottle Covers
This pattern is for sale in my ravelry shop and in my etsy shop.

(I hope to come up with a sock monkey design for a cover that will fit wide bottles such as Avent brand sometime this summer. I have a baby due in less than 6 weeks so there's no telling when I will get around to designing the next pattern.)

Sock monkeys have become so popular that I was inspired to design a sock monkey pattern for baby bottle covers. I love giving bottles with my own handmade bottle covers as baby shower gifts. It’s something you will not find in any store. While this is not a difficult pattern I would say it is not exactly a beginner level. Intermediate and up.
This pattern includes instructions for making a bottle cover for both 4 oz size and 8 oz size. It will fit standard size baby bottles (not wide bottles). I have them pictured on evenflo classic glass bottles. They will also fit the plastic bottles even if the shape is a little different, as long as they are the same size bottle.
D hook (3.25 MM)
#7 hook (1.5 MM)
Size 10 crochet thread
I am in no way associated with any manufacturer or distributor of any brand of baby bottles.

I also have a few new additions to my etsy shop that are ready to ship:

Bear hat with clutch blankie for newborn

Homespun newborn cocoon and hat

The Very Hungry Caterpillar hat (can be made in any size)

Purple and pink chunky brimmed hat (newborn)

Pink and purple chunky brimmed hat (newborn)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's up with ME!

I know I haven't updated my blog in over a month. I'm not great at the computer/tech part of my hobby/business. I'd rather crochet. haha Anyhoo, I'm slowly working on some minor changes in how I do things. Most things in my etsy shop are ready to ship. These ready to ship items get to taking up a lot of room in my house so some of my popular items are being turned into 'made to order' listings. I crochet fast so I am still able to fill orders within 2 business days. I keep it small scale so I don't get swamped with more orders than I can get done in that amount of time.

I am working on slowly phasing out items that are not popular. If it has been listed for sale forever & is still sitting around here, once it finally is clearanced out, that's it. It's gone unless someone specially requests it.

Meanwhile I will be trying to have a larger variety of finished items from my own patterns. I have one new item I will be adding to my shop shortly. It's a new hat that I think is awesome but I'll let the customers decide it's awesomeness.
I am expecting my 4th baby in August. With 3 young children (ages 7 and under) and another on the way, life can be hectic around here. I am able to crochet plenty right now but come August I will be scaling back, resting, nursing the new baby & whatnot.

At this time I do NOT plan to close or 'vacation' my etsy shop when the baby is due. I don't get a whole lot of orders so I should be able to manage, even with a new baby & 3 more hanging on my legs. I am woman, hear me roar, haha.

I am considering having a destash sale for some of these ready to ship items I still have sitting here that just never sold on etsy. When I get around to that it will most likely be done on my facebook page.

And finally; I DO accept custom order requests. If you find something or think of something you want me to make just say the word, send me a link, whatever. If I don't already have a pattern for it, I will find one or design one. That's how I roll.

Until next time, happy blogging, happy crocheting, don't forget about me. Keep checking my etsy shop because I keep changing and adding new things. Gotta keep up with an ever changing market.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Addition

Introducing this precious new addition to my inventory. It's a mermaid newborn photo prop. The set includes the tail, bikini top and headband. This set is green and pink but can be made in any color. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Steppin' it up a notch.

I've finally gone ahead and made a deal with a photographer for some professional photos of some of my newborn props. I'm really excited to see how the pictures turn out. I will post them on my blog when I get them. Finally I'll have pictures that will allow me to compete better with the other crochet ninjas out there. Now all I need is for my hubby to join me and do all this internet stuff so I can spend all my time making things, lol.
One day I would like to be able to call this a business but at the moment I like to think of it as a wonderful hobby with potential.
TaTa for now,