Thursday, February 27, 2014

Paying Varrah's Medical Bills

 For those who are following this story:

 Update: Varrah is doing well. As far as we can tell her seizure was caused by a sudden body temperature change. It happens sometimes in small children. The doctors say that the few other times she has awakened at night crying after vomiting in her bed could have been because she had a seizure, again for the same reason...fever. A very nice and generous friend of my sister went and bought the video baby monitor we were originally trying to raise funds for. Those baby monitors may be pricy but not nearly as pricy as the bills from the hospital and doctor will be. Like so many parents of young children my sister and her husband are young and doing well just to get by with their 2 year old and 8 month old babies.
The sale I started in my online stores on Tuesday were originally to just raise a couple hundred dollars to buy a video baby monitor without anyone having to break the bank. Those sales will go until next Tuesday, March 4th (to end midnight that night). But we are raising funds to at least knock a dent in the bills.
 I will update on how the sale is going on my facebook page for those who are intrested.

The fundraiser sale:
1. 40% off all crochet pattern in the ravelry shop. No limits. No coupon code required when you 'add to cart'.
2. 25% off EVERYTHING in the main Longhorn Prairie etsy shop with coupon code: VARRAH

Danielle, Shane, Varrah, Levi, myself and the rest of the family thank you all so very much for your outpouring of support. With so many horrible things going on in the world it is so nice to know that we can still lean on each other when we need it. May the Lord bless you all as you have helped to bless this beautiful little family.

Varrah in the ER right after her seizure sharing the bed with her mama.

Here is the original post from my business page on facebook Tuesday February, 25. Two days ago.

 This is my sister, Danielle, and her 2 year old daughter, Varrah. Last night Varrah had a siezure that lasted 30 minutes. It was from a sudden spike in fever. Her mama is scares to sleep at night so I am having a SALE to buy her a video baby monitor.

All pattens in my ravelry shop are 40% off (no coupon code needed, discount is automatic when you 'add to cart'.)
25% off everything in my main etsy shop with code: VARRAH.
Every penny will go to get her a video baby monitor. Target has them for around $200. Please help us with this while taking advantage of a great sale.
(links are in comments.)

Here is her daddy's, Shane, explanation of what happened: "One second she was sitting next to me on the bed, the next minute she walked into the living room, and face planted. Eyes rolled back, not really breathing. Limp as a noodle. We picked her up and took off
To get into the car to go to the ER. No shoes, no phones no nothing. We got to the ER, she threw up all over me right when we got
There. They took her into the room, still not really breathing, they had to hook her up to oxygen, and use a handheld breathing mask to pump air Into her lungs..then she slowly came around. It was about a 30 minute seizure all together. Most only last like 5 mins tops. They still don't know what caused it."

Daddy, Shane, with Varrah when baby sis was born.
Danielle (middle) Varrah (left) baby sister Levi (right)